7 free things you can do to quickly improve your health! And a few more that are worthy.
Grounding is are a natural way to combat inflammation in the body, therefore reducing pain. By connecting to the earth's energy, grounding can help energize and provide balance to the electric load within our bodies. Grounding is an excellent way to safely promote overall health and wellness.
The importance of sleep is sorely underrated and hardly ever discussed. Click here to learn how to improve your sleep and feel the benefits on your over all health.
Mediation has been used for thousands of years by many cultures with massive benefits to your brain and overall health. Learn how simple it can be and how it can help you achieve better focus, concentration and mood.
CBD is a natural molecule from the cannabis sativa plant with remarkable healing properties. Endless studies have been done so the debate is clearly over. Cannabis and all it's constitients heal almost everything because they stimulate the ECS- (EndoCannabinoid System) that we're all born with! Click here to learn more!
This helps get your emotions and feelings on paper so you don't have to carry them in your heart. A simple yet very effective free tool.
Good health starts with a healthy plumbing system yet most people have way more bad bacteria than good. Start here to improve your health.
A good belly laugh releases healing hormones in your body. The more you laugh, the better you feel. Find out simple ways to laugh more every day.
Gyms aren't for everyone and they're expensive. Dancing in your own living room to your favorite music is fun, free and exercise worthy! Shake that booty!
Toxic cleaning products can have a profound effect on your health. Learn to use cheap and natural ingredients for all your cleaning needs that won't hurt you!
Oh the beautiful sunshine on your face feels so good!
Aside from vitamin D ( which it more important than you know, there are other health benefits from enjoying nature's natural healer.
There's nothing new about eating a healthy diet so I won't bore you with the details. You know fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, limited organic meat are the best options. I love to tell people this
If it grows ON a plant, eat it, if it's made IN a plant, don't! But there is something you can do to superharge your nutrition with SUPERFOODS. Click here for the list and benefits.