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Notebook and Pen


When we’re sick, whether physically or mentally, our minds keep us busy with worry and stress. All that ruminating about what’s going on only makes you more stressed and prevents healing. By journaling, which simply means writing out your feelings, putting on paper what’s going on in our head, it allows you to stop thinking about it knowing it’s safely on the page anytime you need to remember it. It gives you a break from the repeated stories and allows you to focus on actually healing.


That’s the short version. The long versions that it has many other benefits which are undeniable and again, it’s free.

Here are some other possible benefits from journaling:


1- It helps you heal form the past

2- It increases your emtional intelligence

3- It helps you achieve your goals

4- It improves your memory

5- It improves vocabulary

6- It strengthens self discipline and routine

7- It increases your level of creativity

8- It increases self confidence


Lastly, here are a couple of great articles on it.




Address: Maple Ridge BC

Phone: 778-898-4229


Disclaimer: This content on this website has not been approved by the FDA or Heath Canada. We aim to provide generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. EVERYDAY MUSHROOM does not claim responsibility for this information.


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