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Wet Feet


The Science is in! Grounding really works but I'm going to let the pro's tell you about it. Start here with a short documentary that got me started on this journey. 

Then go listen to Dr Laura Koniver, she provides all the science, resources  and products you might want to buy.


But remember, just take your shoes off and stand on the earth. 

My Grounding story

My story is simple- I have scoliosis which means I lived in pretty much constant pain to various degrees most of my adult life. Until I discovered grounding! At first I just spent as much time outside in bare feet as I could but living in the northern parts, winter prevented that practice from continuing so I eventually got a mat for my bed and a mat for my computer so that I could sleep grounded all night and while I worked. This was a game changer and the pain just vanished. I used to wake up sore every morning but now that I'm grounding all night, I wake up pain free and refreshed every single day. I can't thank Clint Ober and Dr Koniver enough!


Address: Maple Ridge BC

Phone: 778-898-4229


Disclaimer: This content on this website has not been approved by the FDA or Heath Canada. We aim to provide generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. EVERYDAY MUSHROOM does not claim responsibility for this information.


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